If you need support for any topic regarding your Rover Robot, contact us and we'll get back to you ASAP to keep you up and running
Support Articles

How to use SSH to Connect and Command Your Robot
Want to control your Rover robot without having to be plugged into a monitor? Use SSH to connect via your wireless network and send and receive commands remotely!
How to use SSH to Connect and Command Your Robot
Want to control your Rover robot without having to be plugged into a monitor? Use SSH to connect via your wireless network and send and receive commands remotely!

Getting Started with the Rover Pro
Getting Started with the Rover Pro Information on Drive Kit installation can be found here. Information on the Rover Zero charging dock can be found here. These instructions assume you...
Getting Started with the Rover Pro
Getting Started with the Rover Pro Information on Drive Kit installation can be found here. Information on the Rover Zero charging dock can be found here. These instructions assume you...

Moving Your Rover Robot
Once you receive your robot you will probably want to move it. And good news, that's super easy to do! If you purchased a computer from us with your robot,...
Moving Your Rover Robot
Once you receive your robot you will probably want to move it. And good news, that's super easy to do! If you purchased a computer from us with your robot,...
Common Errors
Here are some common errors and ways to fix/troubleshoot them. You see 'errorerror terminate...' when you turn your robot on or check the roverrobotics.service and your robot won't move. This...
Common Errors
Here are some common errors and ways to fix/troubleshoot them. You see 'errorerror terminate...' when you turn your robot on or check the roverrobotics.service and your robot won't move. This...
How to check your Rover service status
To check your Rover service status use the following code systemctl status roverrobotics.service If everything is running properly you should see a status screen like the below screenshot. Common errors...
How to check your Rover service status
To check your Rover service status use the following code systemctl status roverrobotics.service If everything is running properly you should see a status screen like the below screenshot. Common errors...
Rover Zero ROS Topic List
To check the topics that your Rover Zero is running use `rostopic list` Below is a list of all the topics running by default after installing the Rover Zero installation...
Rover Zero ROS Topic List
To check the topics that your Rover Zero is running use `rostopic list` Below is a list of all the topics running by default after installing the Rover Zero installation...