If you need support for any topic regarding your Rover Robot, contact us and we'll get back to you ASAP to keep you up and running
Support Articles

Control a Rover with Foxglove
Foxglove is our favorite tool for developing software for mobile robots. Foxglove allows you to view data coming from you robot, similar to rviz, but it is cross platform and...
Control a Rover with Foxglove
Foxglove is our favorite tool for developing software for mobile robots. Foxglove allows you to view data coming from you robot, similar to rviz, but it is cross platform and...
Designing Your Own Payload
There are eight M5 mounting holes on the top of the chassis for payload attachments. The Rover Zero and Rover Pro have eight M5 mounting holes on their top for...
Designing Your Own Payload
There are eight M5 mounting holes on the top of the chassis for payload attachments. The Rover Zero and Rover Pro have eight M5 mounting holes on their top for...
How to update a Rover Pro's Firmware
Keeping your robot up to date The Rover Pro firmware is open source and can be found on github here:https://github.com/RoverRobotics/roverpro-firmwareReleases for the firmware are also located on github and can...
How to update a Rover Pro's Firmware
Keeping your robot up to date The Rover Pro firmware is open source and can be found on github here:https://github.com/RoverRobotics/roverpro-firmwareReleases for the firmware are also located on github and can...
Troubleshooting Your Bluetooth Controller
If your Bluetooth controller is having difficulties connecting or is connecting but not driving your Rover, try these steps. If your Bluetooth controller is not connecting to your Rover, try...
Troubleshooting Your Bluetooth Controller
If your Bluetooth controller is having difficulties connecting or is connecting but not driving your Rover, try these steps. If your Bluetooth controller is not connecting to your Rover, try...

How to add a power button and charge port to th...
One of our most asked requests is for a power button and charge port to be added to the Rover Zero 2 so that you don't have to open the...
How to add a power button and charge port to th...
One of our most asked requests is for a power button and charge port to be added to the Rover Zero 2 so that you don't have to open the...

Adding an IMU to your robot
Summary: This guide walks you through how to add an IMU to your robot in order to improve the accuracy of your /odom to /base_link transform. There are many different IMUs you...
Adding an IMU to your robot
Summary: This guide walks you through how to add an IMU to your robot in order to improve the accuracy of your /odom to /base_link transform. There are many different IMUs you...