ROS2 Foxy vs ROS2 Humble?

Choosing the right version of ROS2 for your robotics project can be confusing. In this post, we'll help you make that decision.

ROS2 Foxy:

Foxy was released in 2020 and will no longer be officially supported after May 2023. However, it's still a stable release with lots of support. But, since new projects are moving to the latest release, Humble, you may find less support for Foxy going forward. One important thing to note is that Foxy can be installed on Ubuntu 20.04, but not on other operating systems. If you're using an NVIDIA Orin SOM, you'll need to use Foxy until Jetpack 6 is released in Q3 2023, which will add Ubuntu 22.04 support.

ROS2 Humble:

Humble is the latest stable release of ROS2, released in 2022. It will be supported until 2027 and is designed for Ubuntu 22.04. This is the version you should choose to develop for if you can use Ubuntu 22.04.


Choosing the right version of ROS2 depends on the operating system your computer supports and what the rest of your project requires. If you can use Ubuntu 22.04, we suggest using ROS2 Humble. If you're using an NVIDIA Orin SOM, you'll need to use Foxy for now, but you'll be able to switch to Humble when Jetpack 6 is released in Q3 2023.

You can find all of our code releases on our GitHub: Humble - Foxy

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